Shippensburg University | Groups




2024-2025 Student Government

President: Lillian Sellers

Vice President, Internal Affairs:  Katie Huston

Vice President, External Affairs:  Natalie Nichols

Vice President, Student Groups:  Ella Zinn

Vice President, Finance: Nathan Garber

Senator, College of Arts & Sciences:  Aidan Crowder

Senator, College of Business:  Caleb Owens

Senator, College of Education & Human Services: TBD

Senator, Honors College:  TBD

Senators, Athletics:  TBD

Senators, MSA:  TBD

Senators, RHA:  TBD

Senator, Panhellenic Council:  TBD

Senator, Interfraternity Council:  TBD

Senator, NPHC:  TBD

Senators, Class of 2025: Malu Takahashi & TBD

Senators, Class of 2026: Kenny Tran & TBD

Senators, Class of 2027:  Kyle Marzullo & Emily Wojarski

Senators, Class of 2028:  TBD

Senator, Nontraditional:  TBD

Senator, International Students:  Davi Alfonso de Goes

Senator, Commuter Students:  TBD

Senator, Transfer Students:  TBD

202 Ceddia Union Building

Shippensburg Pa, 17257

Office: 717-477-1651